Jade Tipped Carapace
+20% All Damage
+1% All Critical Rate
Maximum Level: 20
- Increases Damage granted by mutations to EVERY colour by 20% per level.
- The very first level when you unlock gives you a double bonus, so you start with 40%
- Mutation damage adds up into one big bonus, so adding this 20% to an existing bonus of 500% would total 520%.
- The genes Mutation Infusion multiply this coloured damage by 10% per gene, to a maximum of 110%.
- The Gene Lab's Mutation Specialization further add to this multiplication by 5% per level, with no maximum,
- Increases the Critical Rate of EVERY colour by 1% per level.
- Going above 100% Critical Rate has no extra effect.
- You can see your current Critical Rate on your crab screen, or by inspecting individual queens.
- When maxed out, you would have 420% added mutation damage for EVERY colour crab and queen (multiplied by bonuses described above), and +20% to their Critical Rate.