Last Update: March 6, 2025.
Mar 6
- After 5 years I touched the site's code base. If something is broken please let me know.
- Changed the Discord ID validation to no longer require the old Discord format of username#1234. If you change your nickname within the CrabWar server you should update your ID here to match.
Monthly Recurring
- Are you a School Sponsor? Shameless plug. This isn't free for anyone but the users.
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for the new event.
- Wiped previous Jade bonus info.
- Going to stop posting this entry every month as it is repetitive.
December 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for December.
- Wiped November Jade Bonus data.
November 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for November.
- Wiped October Jade Bonus data.
October 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for October.
- Wiped September Jade Bonus data.
September 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for September.
- Wiped August Jade Bonus data.
August 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for August.
- Wiped July Jade Bonus data.
July 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for July.
- Wiped June Jade Bonus data.
June 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for June.
- Wiped May Jade Bonus data.
May 2020
- Added a timer on the front page for the Skull Bug.
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for May.
- Wiped April Jade Bonus data.
April 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for April.
- Wiped March Jade Bonus data.
March 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for March.
- Wiped February Jade Bonus data.
February 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for February.
- Wiped January Jade Bonus data.
January 2020
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for January.
- Wiped December Jade Bonus data.
December 2019
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for December.
- Wiped November Jade Bonus data.
November 2019
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for November.
- Wiped October Jade Bonus data.
October 2019
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for October.
- Wiped September Jade Bonus data.
September 2019
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for September.
- Wiped August Jade Bonus data.
August 2019
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for August.
- Wiped July Jade Bonus data.
July 2019
- Updated the Jade worksheet and Library for July.
- Wiped June Jade Bonus data.
June 2019
- Fixed tournament lists prior to Dec 10 2016 not showing properly.
- Updated the Jade worksheet for June.
- Wiped May Jade Bonus data.
May 2019
- Updated the Jade worksheet for May.
- Wiped April Jade Bonus data.
- Adjusted the Ecdysis section of Crab Run for 3.7.
- Added DNA Transfusion runes to Crab Run.
April 2019
- Adjusted the Abby section of Crab Run / Stuff for 3.6.1.
- Refactored the "Luck" on the Gem page and added what your total gems would normally give you on "average".
- Made the Details page remember what tab you were looking at if you compare other casts to yours.
- Added the Gem graph to the Details page.
- Expanded the information on the Gems Worksheet about Averages.
- Input simulation data for 1000 gem sets to replace the previous 250 sets. We will only ever need 640kb, right?
- Adjusted the Queen Autobuy logic for 3.6.0.
- Corrected the math for Reptile Health from the changes made in 3.5 to lower their health a little.
- Added a Queen Autobuy table to Crab Run / Stuff / Ecdysis area.
- Added a countdown timer to the Jade worksheet for rune collecting.
- Fixed a bug on the Jade worksheet for not-logged-in-users.
- Updated the Jade worksheet for April.
- Wiped March Jade Bonus data.
- User Request: Added a button to the Jade worksheet to zero the numbers yourself.
- Fixed a long long long standing bug on Crab Run for not-logged-in users that nobody told me about.
- Added a new thing on Crab Run / Stuff.
- Note that patch 3.5 changed reptile health so Crab Run will be inaccurate for a while. Any other functions that rely on health, such as Jade Laser, Endless Rush, and the Simulator, will also be inaccurate because of this.
- Updated the Jade Scarab library information for the April event.
March 2019
- Added an Endless Rush calculator to the Jade Scarab worksheet.
- Added a Jade Laser calculator to the Jade Scarab worksheet.
- Adjusted Abysswyrm Love on Crab Run to be more consistent with its output.
- Added a new page to the Library to show which Library articles have been edited recently.
- Made the table rows on the tournament lists clickable instead of just the little icons.
- Fixed a display error on Crab Details for Jade Gold %
- Adding something new to current tournaments.
- Some other minor bug fixes for things that have been around for 2+ years.
- Added Tier to the King Crab worksheet.
- Added a section to Crab Run > Stuff to show what Abysswyrm might mean to you.
- Changed the Claw of Midas gold modifier from 50% to 150% because why would anyone leave it at 50%?
- Updated the Jade Scarab Event section in the library.
- Added King Crab damage to the King Crab worksheet to be used later. You can fill it in now though.
- Added checkboxes on the main Edit page to indicate whether you have the AppX crab and the Baby.
- Wiped February Jade Bonus data.
- Updated the Jade Scarab worksheet and library information for the March event.
February 2019
- Started documenting the current Jade event in the library.
- Wiped old Jade Bonus data.
- Updated the Jade Scarab worksheet for the February event.
January 2019
- Adjusted the data displayed in Power Distribution graphs. I'm happy now.
- Added the Gold Drop bonus to the Jade Scarab worksheet and the Crab Run worksheet.
- I plan to erase the Jade Bonus data during the first week of every month.
- Special runes each month may or may not find their way here -- depends what they do and what I have to adjust.
- Adjusted the rest of the site to account for the Jade Gold Drop in optimizations.
- Removed the Daily Boss health calculator from Crab Run since he's a lightning bug fight now.
- Added two new stats to the Details page: Ego Boost and God Complex.
- I think that's all I did. shrug
- Added a Power Distribution graph to the crab details page.
December 2018
- The Jade Scarab library article is 90% done. The worksheet is still not updated for the current event though.
November 2018
- If you have more than one cast of crabs here at the school you can mark one of them as your Main cast so it will appear by default when you go to the worksheets. This is on the Manage Account page under the Hello menu.
October 2018
- Added a preliminary worksheet for the new Jade Scarab event.
June 2018
- Added collection set bonus to the King Crab worksheet.
March 2018
- Changed Pearl Hunter gene to Appxplore Strand gene. May your pearls forever rest in peace..
- Updating library articles on AppX crab and wildebeast fights. I still need to remove the wildebeast health from the crab run sheet..
will do that later.
February 2018
- Fixed a discrepancy in Spending DNA / Crits / Happy Crab area.
- User Request: Removed 0-crown crabs from Glee Club. Makes sense.
- User Request: Added total gold modifiers to the Details page under the Ability Timers table.
- User Request: Added last data update and last tournament played on the crab Watch List so you can stop watching them at some point.
- Added a note to Details when comparing casts to explain what Power Difference means.
- Fixed the link to Benny For Hire in the Arcade so non-Patreons can click on it.
- New article in the tournaments section of the library.
- Since AppX is selling coloured gem sets now, and giving them away in events -- added a part to the Gem worksheet What-If to help you decide which of the three you should get.
- Changed Speeding Tickets to only happen for < 1.0 seconds. AppX doesn't care anyway and no need to waste database records on minor infractions.
- Fixed a minor calculation error on Crab Run / Stuff / Queen levels.
November 2017
- If you are not already in the Pearl League, added info to the tournament list under "Your Bracket" to let you know what rank you need in order to advance to the next league. If it doesn't seem accurate, let me know.
- Added an indicator in the Tournament Details Crowns column if that player would be promoted to the next league if they finish the tournament in their current rank.
- Made some visual adjustments to King Crab worksheet.
- Added what if you had no King Crab magma parts to the King Crab worksheet to satisfy curiosity.
- Per user request, added a Difference section on the King Crab Worksheet right below the save button.
October 2017
- Added a King Crab worksheet.
- Added King Crab data input to the crab edit page.
- Added King Crab Multiplier to the crab detail page.
- Added Crowns to the crab detail page.
- Added Crowns to the glee club table.
- Note: Crowns "should" be updated at the end of every tournament and may be buggy to start with. Unless you manually add yours, it will show 0 until the first tournament is over.
- Fixed a few things with the tournament displays.
- Added some library info for the Land of Reptiles.
- Let's see if I remember how to code this site.
- Implemented changes to the Tournament / Sports area to support the new Leagues.
- Started writing articles in a new Tournaments category.
- Added a new column to the Tournament display to view Crowns.
- Added the league icon to the top of the Tournament details display as well as on the list page.
- Removed the Patreon restriction from Benny For Hire. Knock yourselves out, freeloaders.
June 2017
- Fixed a problem on Crab Run that prevented some users from loading it. Sure wish people would report these things.
- Per user request, added your investment into ETC to your details page.
May 2017
- Added Ability Timers to the cast Details page.
- Moved all the games into the Butterfly Arcade, accessed under the Info menu.
- Added a new game as a thank-you for School Sponsors: Benny For Hire
- Per user request, added the times that a bracket started and finished on Completed tournaments.
- Tournament crab search will now include student nicknames.
- Per user request, added a toggle to the tournament leader lists to see enrolled student names instead of the tournament aliases.
- Per user request, added the time a cast's info was last updated on their detail page. Note: yours is probably not accurate until you save something again.
- Per user request, added functionality to the Watched Crabs to specify a highlight colour that will show up in tournament tables and the Glee club. Watching someone you hate? Mark them red. Love them? Maybe green. It's up to you. To colour them, on their Details page at the top, click Notes and you'll find the box to set their colour.
- Added a validation check to the Discord ID entry on the account page.
- Added Discord status to Glee Club and Tournament pages.
- Added a Discord chat list under the Info menu.
- Add your Discord ID in your Account page if you want your status shown.
- Made some visual changes to the tournament lists to help phone users.
- Added Last Updated to the tournament lists if they are still in progress.
- Added a Daily Boss calculator to Crab Run's Health section. This is still being tweaked but it's there.
- Changed the sortable columns in glee & leaderboards to have a pointer cursor instead of a text i-beam cursor on hover.
- Flip-flopped Gen Pop and Lower Brackets on the tournament list because scrolling is Hard™.
- Added a sort arrow to glee club and tournament leaderboards
- Expanded the data copy on Crab Run / Stuff / Queen Levels calculator to include more things.
- Fixed a display error with boss multiplier on Crab Run / Gold / Multipliers area.
- Changed the Simulator tab on Crab Run to be called Stuff.
- Added some more stuff to Stuff on Crab Run.
- Added the epic gold battle.. Golden Ray vs Golden Leech to Crab Run.
- Added scorekeeping and tweaked the difficulty on Flitter's Run. More tweaks to come.
- Fixed a problem switching dates on the tournament page.
April 2017
- Per user request, included the tournament history when you compare Details, not just the statistics.
- Per my own request, reformatted tournament history.
- Changed the main tournament list page slightly.
- Added talents to Your Leech, Your Friend. Boom.
- Added a checklist to the Mutation Priority library article.
- Added Per-Gem Bonus to Detail page
- Reworked a lot of the back-end code for Crab Run - please make sure things look right.
- Added Gold Multipliers to Crab Run
- Added average gold per reptile and gold per riverbed section to Crab Run.
- Added a counter for extra ECD during tournaments to the tournament leaderboard pages.
- Fixed a few calculations in Crab Run for health/gold calculations.
- Per user request, added percentage % increases to the Crab Run worksheet.
- Per my own request, reformatted the Crab Run worksheet tables slightly.
- Also expanded A Depressing Look at ETC to be less wordy but more depressing. Enjoy.
- Per user request, added colour to the tournament player list to denote glee club members.
- Per user request, added a table of mutation %s and multipliers to the Mutation Detail area of crab details.
- Made it so you can Compare anyone on your Watch List that is also in the Glee Club, which means you can compare one Glee Club member to another if you choose.
- Added leech ability level to the Crab Run / Gold / Your Friend area.
- Added a Patreon page to the donation options. Hint.
- Added a Patreon page to the donation options. Hint.
- Added a Patreon page to the donation options. Hint.
- Added a new toy at the bottom of the Crab Run worksheet Gold section.
- Added a Glee Club badge and a Patron badge to the crab details page.
- Added a Happy Crab section to Spending DNA / Scrumptious Leech. You're welcome, Enremeit.
- Fixed a calculation error in Spending DNA / Crits / Happy Crab for Average multiplier.
- Added the distance difference table to the Gene Tree review tab.
- Added a power difference to the Crab Detail comparison.
- Added Buy All buttons to the Spending DNA gold and crit tabs' combination areas.
- Added Average # to "More Gems Needed" on the Gem worksheet.
- Changed the first menu from a glyph to "Info" so people can notice it better to find the Glee Club.
- Added how much luck you need to the Gene Lab Evo Gild area
March 2017
- Some pretty on the Glee Club.
- Changed the Gem Luck from a scale of 4 to a scale of 5.
- Added the Glee Club... find other Casts that are willing to let you see their stats. (I'll make it prettier later)
- Added some more stuff to the first dropdown menu.
- Added Play Hours to your profile if you want to fill it in.
- Added ECD to your details page (taken from tournament data)
- Fixed a small calculation error in the Gene Lab optimizer
- Added Evolution Gild to the Crab Evolution worksheet and some minor visual changes.
- Added a DPS/Distance difference to the Crab Evolution worksheet.
- Fixed a calculation on Gene Lab worksheet / Evolution Gild... it's a little worse than first reported, believe it or not.
- Fixed a display error on the Crab Evolution worksheet.
- Added stuff to Genetic Powers on the Gene Lab worksheet.
- Added "Luck" to the Gem data.
- More changes to the Details page - added more Gem stuff by request.
- Made similar visual changes on the Gems worksheet.
- Reformatted the Details page slightly.
- Added a Compare feature to the Details page - not completely finished.
- Added Crab Mail by user request.
- Added Gold Luster to the what-if section of the Crab Run worksheet.
- Gene Lab has its own worksheet now. Knock yourselves out.
- It's Toru's birthday. Yes, he's working for you on his birthday.
- Added an alert to the bottom of the Tournament lists if updates appear to have stopped.
- Added a placeholder for the Gene Lab.
- Added the mutation bonus column to the details page.
- Adjusted the timing restrictions on Flitter's Boxes.
- Remember Me on the login should no longer reset every time I update the stupid site or the wind blows from the east. You'll need to log in one more time but that should be it.
- Bug Fixes. You can re-watch a previously watched crab. Also new crabs shouldn't trip the error page anymore if they fail to fill out any of their mutations.
- You may now begin Sharing your crab details. See your edit page.
- Additional information has been added to the Details page. Gem sets, and a Gene Tree that you can share with others.
- User Request: Added a Queen Cost calculator to the Queens library article.
- User Request: Modified Spending DNA to allow you to Ignore mutations that you might not care about any more. This replaced the "Maxed Out" option - if you want to ignore the maxed out ones just go through the list and click them. The Ignore preferences should persist. The Optimizer will not suggest anything that you are ignoring.
- Crosslinked more Library articles to each other.
February 2017
- Flitter seems to need More Help (still tweaking it)
- The Criticals tab of Spending DNA is finished unless I give it a cosmetic change later.
- Started reformatting the Details page a bit. Added a mutation information table.
- Added DNA Spent to mutation library articles.
- The Criticals tab of Spending DNA now has something. Still have more to add to it.
- Flitter's Boxes now has an expert mode because I'm a sadist.
- Flitter's Boxes will make it more obvious when you aren't signed in. Also the running timer should be more accurate now. Also you can no longer accidentally drag box images around if you mouseclick too long.
- Flitter's Boxes now has a hard mode that works.
- Minor change to this update log notice on the front page.
- Some admin stuff to make my life easier.
- Flitter's Boxes now has a leaderboard. Aw yeh.
- Fixed a problem changing Display Name on the account screen.
- Fixed a problem visiting Spending DNA with no crabs yet on the account.
- Changed tournament crab search to allow for less than 4 letter searches. Less than 4 searches for an exact match.
- Removed the Max column from the Spending DNA Optimizer view - replaced it with New Level to avoid confusion.
- Added the Crab War Club facebook group to the front page social area
Known Issues
To-Do List
- Finish the Gold tab of Spending DNA with optimizations for Reptile Gold. One day.
- Improve the accuracy of the simulator for lower levels.
If you need me, you can msg me on
Discord and I will get back to you ASAP. You can also send me
Crab Mail. Lastly, you can email me through the site.. toru at crabschool dot com.