New Queens Coming
It was announced today that there will be new queens coming. As of yet we know nothing about them. It is being touted as a "major update" so maybe there will be more going on than just the queens. I will say it is very unlikely that I am going to spend the days of my life collecting volunteers' data and crunching numbers again to reverse engineer the approximation of the new queen damage and costs to fit it into the school's math model. If AppX shares their internal numbers with me (I have been asking for 9 years) then I will reconsider.
Butterfly Arcade
We moved all of the silly mini-games into the Butterfly Arcade (under the Info menu) so they can be found easier. At the same time we added a new game specifically as a thank you to school sponsors: Benny For Hire. Ever have a desire to turn the tables and help the reptiles? Consider supporting the school.
A couple people have said we should have a Donate button. We do. Visit the Info menu to go to our information page where you will find an option for a one-time donation as well as becoming a Supporter through Patreon for recurring donations.
Academy Update Log
As things are added or changed to the Academy this log might be updated. Last Update: About 6 days Ago (03 Feb @ 08:46 PM GMT)