- You earn DNA as you progress through the game.
- DNA is used to purchase and upgrade Mutations which increase your power or change various aspects of the game itself.
- You earn DNA by purchasing Crab Evolutions, Queen Levels, Mutations, and progressing further down the riverbed.
- The Ecdysis screen on the Crab tab will show you Queen Level DNA, Distance DNA, and "Mutation" DNA.
Queen Level DNA
- This is simply 1 DNA for every 1000 Queen Levels you purchase.
- Some players only level their queens to 1200 or 2000 until it comes time to Ecdysis, then they purchase as many levels as they can.
- This is not a significant source of DNA but it adds up.
Distance DNA
- You start earning Distance DNA at 700 meters.
- You gain more Distance DNA every 150 meters after that.
Mutation DNA
- Mutation DNA is a little more complicated and where the bulk of your DNA will come from.
- As a base for calculation, sum up your Queen Level and Distance DNA. Remember this as your Base DNA.
- Bonus 1: Mutations give 2% bonus DNA each, up to a maximum of 72% DNA for all 36 mutations.
The gene Mutation Strand increases the 2% mutation bonus to 4% or 6% each. - Bonus 2: Completing a Mutation Set gives a 30% bonus DNA, up to a maximum of 360% for all 12 sets.
The gene Symbiotic Strand increases the 30% Mutation Set bonus to 40% or 50%. - Bonus 3: The mutation Ember Tipped Carapace (ETC) gives 10% extra DNA per level.
- The bonuses are added together into one big bonus % and used to multiply the Base DNA to give you the "Mutation" DNA number shown on the Ecdysis screen.
An Example:
- 10 Queen Level DNA, 190 Distance DNA = total Base DNA of 200.
- Unlock 5 mutations (10%), have one completed set (30%) and have ETC level 16 (160%) = total bonus 200%
- On Ecdysis screen, "Mutation" DNA = 200% of the base DNA 200, or 400.
- Total DNA for Ecdysis: 10 + 190 + 400 = 600.
Other DNA
- Crab Evolutions give bonus DNA
- The gene Evolution Strand increases the amount of DNA given by Evolutions.
- We have a Worksheet to see how much DNA you can get on your runs.
- We have another Worksheet to play around with that DNA and decide how best to spend it.
Mutation Costs
Each mutation has a DNA cost to research (unlock) that gets progressively more expensive as you unlock more of them.Mutation # | Cost To Unlock |
1 | 1 |
2 | 3 |
3 | 7 |
4 | 13 |
5 | 22 |
6 | 36 |
7 | 57 |
8 | 88 |
9 | 134 |
10 | 201 |
11 | 298 |
12 | 439 |
13 | 643 |
14 | 934 |
15 | 1352 |
16 | 1947 |
17 | 2793 |
18 | 3992 |
19 | 5689 |
20 | 8085 |
21 | 11461 |
22 | 16209 |
23 | 22877 |
24 | 32227 |
25 | 45319 |
26 | 63628 |
27 | 89202 |
28 | 124883 |
29 | 174613 |
30 | 243856 |
31 | 340179 |
32 | 474057 |
33 | 659976 |
34 | 917967 |
35 | 1275704 |
36 | 1771407 |