AppXplore Crab (and Baby)
Just You and Me, Kid
- The AppXplore crab is a purchased option that adds an additional crab to the fight.
- The Baby AppXplore crab is a free version that you obtain by completing very simple tasks in the game.
- Both crabs spawn every 6.0 seconds to start, and automatically spawn like a Queen does.
- The spawn time is reduced by 0.1 second for every 100 crab levels.
- The fastest spawn time is 2.0 seconds at crab level 4000.
- Occasionally there may be a Rune in the monthly Jade event that will reduce the spawn time even further.
- Stats for both are displayed on the crab tab between the coloured crabs and the Ecdysis button.
- You can change skins by tapping their buttons on the crab tab.
- Skins do not add any damage, speed, or bonus of any sort. They are only visual changes.
- Damage is based on the AVERAGE CRAB DAMAGE, which is the average of the three individual colours of crab.
- Base damage is ACD times 10 for the purchased AppX, and times 3 for the free Baby.
- Uses the AVERAGE CRIT RATE and AVERAGE CRIT DAMAGE to decide if he does red or purple damage.
- See this article for more information on the average stats
- The gene Appxplore Strand increases their damage by 30% per gene, up to 90% total.
- If you are interested in maxing out their damage, make sure you have raised all colours of damage. Some players might avoid buying Amethyst +dmg genes in the Gene Tree, but raising Amethyst will also raise your Average -- which helps a lot of things.
Is big AppX Worth Buying?
- When he's maxed out to spawn at 2.0 seconds, that's about like having 5 free taps per second.
- If you have all three AppXplore Strand genes for +90% damage, then it's about like having 9.5 free taps per second.
- If you ever think his damage is "crap", compare his damage to the sum total of your queens. You may be surprised.
- Yes, he is worth it, plus you are supporting an otherwise free game that you are addicted to.
- Occasionally during an event they will add an extra skin for AppX crab that you may get for free.
- If you miss the event, you can unlock the skins for 1500 pearls each.
- More recently, they have been adding 3 additional skins per event that cost real money to get.
- You change skins by clicking on the picture of the AppX crab on your crab tab. From there, choose a skin.
- Skins do not add any damage, speed, or bonus of any sort. They are only visual changes.
Extra Skins

Winter 2016

CNY 2017

Easter 2017

Halloween 2017

Winter 2017

CNY 2018