Next Tournament in 01:28:48

The next tournament begins Wednesday at Midnight GMT

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Skull Bug is OPEN for will open in

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Welcome to Crustacean Royal Academy: Brachyura!

We are the only Academy dedicated to the education and strengthening of our brachyura brothers and sisters. Here at CRA:B we strive to provide your cast with the best tools and education to help you succeed in life. Please take some time to look over what we have to offer or read through our Library. If you feel so inclined, feel free to join us and enroll your cast today!

Only through education and unity can we grow stronger, drive back those that would eat defeat us, and revel in our homeland to enjoy peace, tranquility, and snacks!

Knowledge is Power. Increase yours today!

Flitter with a Gem

Flitter's Tip

Butterflies are your allies! Please don't eat us. Also, you will usually only see me every 10 min or so - it takes time to collect pearls and gems for you. They're so heavy. Do you have any pancakes? Or can you help me?

A Moment of Math

If you use Poison Cloud as your Smokescreen talent and you have Shadow Swarm active, you are missing out on a significant amount of damage. Almost 25 times the Shadow Swarm multiplier to be exact. Read the Smokescreen article for more.


Butterfly Arcade

We moved all of the silly mini-games into the Butterfly Arcade (under the Info menu) so they can be found easier. At the same time we added a new game specifically as a thank you to school sponsors: Benny For Hire. Ever have a desire to turn the tables and help the reptiles? Consider supporting the school.


A couple people have said we should have a Donate button. We do. Visit the Info menu to go to our information page where you will find an option for a one-time donation as well as becoming a Supporter through Patreon for recurring donations.

Academy Update Log

As things are added or changed to the Academy this log might be updated. Last Update: About 13 days Ago (02 Oct @ 12:38 AM GMT)

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