The Gene Lab
- The Gene Lab was added to the game in March 2017 to combat the problem of players having a full Gene Tree and nothing to spend their extra Gene Points on.
- The Gene Lab is an alternate way to spend your Gene Points.
- Once you have attained 50 unspent Gene Points you can unlock the Lab (it does not consume them).
- There are four "Genetic Powers" and four "Genetic Upgrades" in the Lab.
- Genetic Powers are one-time activated abilities that perform an action or apply a bonus. Costs range from 5 to 30 points.
- Genetic Upgrades enhance existing Genes, cost 5 points each, and have no level caps.
- There are articles on each of the eight abilities in the Library.
- As of this writing, there is no reset for Gene Lab upgrades. Be very selective in your purchases, as there are no refunds.
- We have a Gene Tree Worksheet here at the Academy that you may want to play with after reading up on the various genes.
- We have a Gene Lab Worksheet also to help spend those extra genes you will have eventually.