Known Bug List
His Name is Colin
Things we know AppX knows about but as of the latest release still aren't fixed:
- Ecdysis Gold Bug This happens randomly after a regular Ecdysis, where your game will "unlock" all queens and abilities, even though you cannot afford them yet. The only fix is to restart the game.
- Wildebeast Gem Bug When the Wildebeast gives you a gem, you may watch an Ad to receive a 2nd gem. If the first gem would fill one of your gem stacks to their maximum capacity, that fact is not considered when choosing the second gem. You could end up with a stack of gems that is beyond the normal cap. There is no fix for this. Enjoy your extra gem that should have gone to a different stack.
- No Eyes This is rare but some people have reported the reptiles spawning without eyes. The only fix is to restart the game or maybe fight in Land of Reptiles.
- Ability Resets If you quit the game (or it crashes) while your Abilities are running, when you reload the game you will find they are no longer running. There is no fix for this. You have to wait and reactivate your abilities.
- 25% Crash Bug For some users when loading the game it will crash around 25% or so. Some think it is due to phones being rooted but it's more likely a bug in the advertisement software. This may have been fixed with 1.5.4.
- No Reptiles This is also rare but sometimes a new reptile will not spawn at all and your crabs just wander off the screen with no way to advance. The only fix is to restart the game or maybe fight in Land of Reptiles. This may have been fixed with 2.1.3.